Admiralty inlet slowdown
Admiralty inlet 2024-25 Voluntary vessel slowdown
A collaborative effort to reduce underwater noise for endangered whales
Admiralty Inlet and Puget Sound are critical habitat for the endangered Southern Resident killer whales (SRKW). During the fall and winter, these killer whales swim, rest and forage for salmon in these waters. Underwater noise is identified by Canada and the United States as one of the main threats to killer whales due to its interference with their ability to hunt, navigate, and communicate.
The Quiet Sound program was created with the goal of reducing the acoustic impacts of large commercial vessels on these endangered whales in Washington. Since 2022, Quiet Sound has worked with a coalition of federal, state, tribal, port, maritime industry, scientist, and NGO representatives to implement a seasonal voluntary slowdown for vessels transiting through Admiralty Inlet and north Puget Sound. During the slowdown, large commercial vessels are encouraged to reduce their speeds when transiting through the slowdown zone down when safe and operationally feasible to do so. By slowing down, large vessels reduce their underwater noise output. Quieter waters give orcas better opportunities to hunt and communicate with their pod.
In the 2023-24 slowdown, 71% of vessel transits slowed, leading to a 50% reduction in underwater noise intensity when whales were present.
The 2024-25 Slowdown Has Ended
The 2024-25 voluntary vessel slowdown began at 0001 PST October 6, 2024 and ended at 2359 PST on January 12, 2025. Thank you for a great season!
To receive the results of the 2024-25 slowdown, sign up for our newsletter. Results from the 2023-2024 slowdown can be found here.
2024-25 Voluntary Vessel Slowdown Parameters
Dates: October 6, 2024 – January 12, 2025
Location: Admiralty Inlet and north Puget Sound
The voluntary vessel slowdown takes place in the inbound and outbound lanes of the shipping lanes within these boundaries:
- Northwest boundary of the slowdown: A line drawn between Point Hudson (48.117264, -122.748907) and Admiralty Head (48.15217, -122.679503)
- Northeast boundary of the slowdown: A line drawn between Randall Point (47.983237, -122.352871) and the Mukilteo Lighthouse (47.948181, -122.308043)
- Southern boundary of the slowdown: A line draw between Apple Cove Point (47.815535, -122.480885) and Edwards Point (47.803340, -122.394924)
The slowdown area excludes Hood Canal.
For a full-size map of the slowdown, click here

Speed: When it is safe and operationally feasible, ships are encouraged to transit the slowdown area at or below the following speeds through water:
- 14.5 knots – speed through water or less for vehicle carriers, cruise ships, and container vessels
- 11.o knots – speed through water or less for general cargo, bulkers and tankers
- 10.0 knots – speed through water or less for tugs running lite (i.e. not towing, pushing, or responding to an emergency)
The slowdown does not include recommendations for fishing or recreational vessels.
In the slowdown area, please turn off ultrasonic anti-fouling systems on vessels to further reduce noise pollution in the frequencies that killer whales use to hunt and communicate.
Participant Recognition
Slowdown participants receive Recognition Certificates that celebrate fleet participation rates. If your organization intends to participate in the 2024-25 voluntary vessel slowdown, please complete this short form so that we can recognize your efforts.
To receive a Recognition Certificate for the 2023-24 Slowdown please contact Quiet Sound at
Additionally, fleets with high rates of participation are eligible for documentation to meet a criterion in the Underwater Noise performance indicator for their Green Marine certification.
2023-24 Voluntary Vessel Slowdown Results
Quiet Sound ran the first voluntary vessel slowdown in Washington State in 2022-23 in Admiralty Inlet and north Puget Sound, which reduced underwater noise by 45% in SRKW critical habitat. Following the success of the trial, Quiet Sound implemented a slowdown in 2023-24 with even better results.
2023-24 Voluntary Vessel Slowdown Results
The 2023-24 slowdown was in effect from October 12, 2023 through January 12, 2024. The slowdown improved noise pollution in the underwater soundscape within critical habitat when SRKW were present, with minimal negative impacts to maritime trade and no impacts to safety.
Highlights include:
- 71% of the 795 vessel transits through the slowdown area decreased their speed.
- 59% of the transits fully achieved proposed speed targets.
- Median broadband sound levels were reduced by 3.0 dB, a 50% reduction in sound intensity.
- Underwater noise levels were reduced in the frequencies that SRKW use to communicate and hunt (echolocate).
- The slowdown resulted in 72 additional minutes of ‘quiet time’ each day. Quiet times are periods where underwater noise does not exceed 110 dB.
- SRKW were present in the slowdown area for at least 20 days of the 92-day slowdown.
Click here to read the 2023-24 Slowdown Executive Summary.
Click here to read the 2023-24 Slowdown Results Full Report.
Whale Alerts for Commercial Mariners
Endangered whales can be found outside this slowdown area and in the area beyond the dates of the slowdown. Quiet Sound encourages mariners to sign up for the Whale Report Alert System (WRAS) to receive text alerts when you are within 10 nm of a verified whale sighting. If you belong to a government or professional marine organization, or are a pilot or member of the bridge crew of a ship, please contact the WRAS Project Manager at to request access to WRAS.
Quiet Sound gratefully acknowledges all the partners who are working to provide Washington mariners with real-time whale locations, including: Ocean Wise, Orca Network, Acartia,, and all the members of. thepublic who report sightings.
Quiet Sound encourages mariners to take the ‘Whales in our Waters’ online trainng to learn how to identify and share waterways with whales. It is administered by the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority’s ECHO program. Those who complete the 60-75 minute tutorial receive a certificate.
How Can the Public Help This Initiative?
Members of the public can help commercial mariners avoid whales by reporting whale sightings through:
- Orca Network:,, or (866)-ORCANET (672-2638).
- The WhaleReport app (available on Apple or Google devices).
- The Whale Alert app (available on Apple or Google devices).
- The U.S. Coast Guard Cetacean Desk at (206) 217-ORCA (6722) or in the Puget Sound VTS designated traffic channels (5A, 14).
- Mariners in Canadian-managed waters may report sightings to the Canadian Coast Guard Marine Mammal Desk at (833) 339-1020.
For More Information:
Sign up for the Quiet Sound newsletter here.
Questions? Contact us at Pilots with questions about the slowdown can text or call Quiet Sound at (360) 218-2307 from 8am to 5pm PST.
Download our Slowdown Factsheet here.
To learn more about concurrent slowdowns for whale protection in Canadian waters, visit the ECHO program’s webpage here.
Quiet Sound recognizes the essential contributions of the Leadership Committee and working groups who provided input on the seasonal slowdowns. We also thank the ECHO program for their continued mentorship and partnership in operationalizing these programs.
Puget Sound Pilots are playing a pivotal role in the on-water success of this effort. The Marine Exchange of Puget Sound is providing AIS data, and the Marine Exchange and Pacific Merchant Shipping Association have been key partners in communicating the slowdown to the maritime industry.
We thank all the tribal governments who considered our proposal to put forward this program for vessels traveling through their usual and accustomed fishing areas.
Quiet Sound gratefully acknowledges all the partners who are working to provide Washington mariners with real-time whale locations, including: Ocean Wise, Orca Network, Acartia,, and all the members of the public who report sightings.
Funding for this work was provided by the Washington State Legislature, and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, the Northwest Seaport Alliance, Port of Seattle, and Port of Tacoma. The Port of Seattle provides translation and printing services for informational handouts for mariners.